Portrait image of Rebecca Tracey Timoney

Hello World,
I'm Rebecca!

Welcome to my portfolio, where I demonstrate my passion for creating meaningful digital experiences. With a flair for combining creative solutions and technical skills, I strive to craft seamless and user-friendly digital experiences through the integration of design, research, and development principles.

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Music, Media and Performance Technology and have spent the past number of years honing my skills in the field of Software Development and UX Design. Earning a Professional Diploma in both fields. I am currently pursuing a Professional Certificate in UI Design.

The foundation of my design philosophy lies in empathy and championing user advocacy. I aim to achieve profound comprehension of user needs and behaviors by employing user research methodologies such as conducting interviews, surveys, and carrying out usability testing. This research forms the foundation for my design decisions, ensuring that the end-users' goals are prioritized in every step of the process.

I have a passion for crafting wireframes and interactive prototypes that bring ideas to life. By utilizing Figma, I translate user insights into visually compelling and functional designs. I also enjoy seamlessly translating these ideas into reality by leveraging my front-end development skills to implement the designs I ideate.

In my portfolio, you will find a collection of projects that showcase my growth as a developer and UX designer. These projects demonstrate my ability to ideate, iterate, and design solutions that address user pain points.

I am always open to new opportunities and exciting projects. If you have a project in mind that you'd like to discuss or if you simply want to connect, please feel free to reach out via the Contact Page or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Design Words of Wisdom

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If you have to explain it, it's not that good - Martin LeBlanc
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Fun Facts Corner

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Animal Lover: I have a soft spot for animals and often find inspiration in observing their behaviour. Their simplicity and intuition influence my approach to creating intuitive and user-friendly designs.

Outline drawing of dog's head

Language Learner: I have a fascination for languages (currently learning my fourth one!). Embracing different languages and cultures enhances my ability to empathize with diverse user perspectives.

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Music Junkie: I have an eclectic taste in music and love creating unique playlists for different moods and design phases. Music fuels my creativity and helps me get in the zone.

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Wanderlust Adventurer: I've been fortunate enough to travel, immersing myself in different cultures and gaining a global perspective that enriches my design approach.

Outline drawing of dog's head

Baking Meets Accessibility: I'm passionate about making my baked goods accessible to everyone, experimenting with allergy-friendly recipes. This sensitivity to diverse dietary needs translates into my UX designs, where I strive to create inclusive experiences for all users.